Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are restorations that can replace one or a few of your missing teeth. Missing teeth not only can affect a person’s esthetics but also function. Over time, if gaps are left between teeth, other teeth may start drifting out of place. With a bridge, it can not only restore a person’s function but also their smile. If you have one or more missing teeth, it is important for your dentist to evaluate the surrounding teeth to ensure that they are strong enough to support a bridge your case is suitable for a bridge.

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During your visit

The dental bridge process will take two visits at Rideau Dental on 4 th Street. The area that will be worked on will be numbed with a topical gel followed with local anesthetic in order to make the procedure as comfortable as possible for you . The teeth on either side of the space will be prepared and an impression or scan will be taken and sent to our dental laboratory where they will fabricate your custom bridge . While we wait for your bridge to be made, you will have a temporary bridge made by our dental team which will protect your teeth. After 7 to 10 day, you will return to our office where we will fit and cement your bridge