Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth shaped caps that are permanently cemented to restore teeth that have been heavily decayed, broken, or have had a root canal procedure. Dental crowns can be fabricated to match the shade of your natural or they can be made out of gold . Besides protecting heavily restored or cracked teeth, crowns are also used to improve the appearance, shape, or alignment of you teeth. If you are interested in learning more about dental crowns, our team at Rideau Dental on 4 th Street is here to help!

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During your visit

The inlay or onlay, process will require two appointments. The area that will be work on will be numbed with a topical gel followed with local anesthetic in order to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. Your tooth will be prepared for the restoration and an impression or scan will be taken and sent to our dental laboratory where they will fabricate your custom crown. While we wait for your crown to be made, you will have a temporary crown made by our dental team which will protect your tooth. After 7 to 10 day, you will return to our office where we will fit and cement your crown.